Treatments & services

Before any treatment can begin, we need to find out more about your specific condition and general health.

Vicki will ask questions about your condition, your general health and your lifestyle. It is important for physiotherapists to know about any medication you may be on and other health conditions, to make sure that our treatments are safe and effective. If you are just booking in for a massage we will send you a pre-massage questionnaire. Depending on any underlying conditions you may need a full assessment.

If you have any clinic letters from seeing a consultant in the past these can give us lots of useful information too. In some cases, such as if you have had surgery in the last three months, we will need to understand the full details of what your surgery was and any post-operative instructions from your consultant. You can ask your hospital or G.P. for a copy of your 'operation notes' or relevant clinic letter.

What to expect

We will ask you to describe any symptoms you have, and to tell us about what sort of things impact on your condition - we aim to build up a really good picture of what you are experiencing. We would then look at how you move and at anything that might relate to the problem you are having.

It is helpful if you wear comfortable, loose clothes to your appointment - ideally allowing for exposure of the main area to be checked. This means we can see the muscles, skin and joints in the best detail. However, we can work within your comfort zone and have a range of towels to help with draping during examination if needed.

We may check strength, mobility, balance, functional activites, or assess the condition of other biomechanical or nervous systems. We can also check on your blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturations if necessary. It is important during any of the examination or treatments (and between treatments) to let us know of any changes in your symptoms.

Usually during the initial assessment appointment we will also be able to provide some tailored treatment, and give recommendations for any further treatments with ourselves or others which may benefit you. We will provide you with a personalised programme of exercise therapy if required, and we will also help to facilitate any follow up if needed with your GP or other healthcare provider.

Vestibular rehabilitation is exercise and movement to treat dizziness and balance problems.

If you have had an inner ear disorder and your symptoms don't fully settle, or your doctor diagnoses you with 'BPPV' - a condition where you experience sudden 'spinning' sensations associated with certain physical movements - there is a lot evidence that you could benefit greatly from specialist vestibular treatment.

For our clinics you do not normally need to be referred by your doctor, but we do recommend that you see your doctor first if you are suffering from dizziness, falls, episodes of fainting, or anything unusual with your heart rate.

Vicki Downey has many years experience working with patients with vestibular disorders, including clinical service development in outpatient and private practice settings. Vicki has completed training in vestibular rehabilitation, and is a member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Vestibular Rehabilitation (ACPIVR).

What to expect

Following a general health verbal assessment, we will then look at the movement of your eyes and head, screen for a condition known as BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), and evaluate your balance whilst standing and walking. Treatment usually involves tailored exercises to do at home, and if appropriate some supervised movements at the clinic with the aim to optimise the function of your balance system.

After assessment or treatment there can occassionally be a temporary increase in symptoms, so we recommend that you allow some time later in the day to rest if needed, and consider bringing someone with you to drive you home.

At Equilibrium Physiotherapy we will support you throughout your treatment and rehabilitation, providing guidance on how to progress your exercise programme. You will be able to discuss with your physiotherapist the frequency with which you may need to have any ongoing or additional face to face treatment.

How can physiotherapy help me?

At Equilibrium Physiotherapy we provide assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders for adults of any age. This could include acute or chronic back and neck pain, joint problems such as arthritis, ligament injuries or other soft tissue injuries, recovery after joint replacement surgery, or occupational postural problems.

Please contact us if you have any questions about what conditions may benefit from pysiotherapy and what we are able to treat. We can liase with other healthcare providers such as your G.P. or consultant if you need this to help with your patient journey, whether through the NHS or private healthcare.

What to expect

We use exercise prescription and manual therapy - including massage and soft tissue work, stretching and mobilising, strengthening and balance work, to help your body's own healing mechanisms. We may suggest electrotherapy such as ultrasound.

At Equilibrium Physiotherapy we aim to promote a healthy balance, both structurally and in how we use our bodies day to day. This may involve advice on how you can make changes of your own to help improve your condition - but equally we will listen to your concerns about what you feel is influencing your condition, and we will work with you to maximise your resources in dealing with it.

We will always signpost you to further sources of support as there are many useful resources available to assist recovery.

We practice Western Acupuncture, using traditional Chinese methods along with muscle trigger points to help with painful musculo-skeletal conditions.

When nerve pathways are stimulated it can help to trigger the natural pain relief systems in our body. The most evidence for acupuncture has been for chronic (persistent) pain, and it is currently recommended by NICE (the National Institute for Clinical Evidence) for persistent pain, migraine and tension-type headaches.

Vicki has provided physiotherapy acupuncture treatments for many years after taking Acupuncture Foundation Training at Southport Hospital, and completes regular evidence based updates to her practice to ensure patients are receiving the most appropriate treatment for their needs.

What to expect

We provide a full assessment on your first visit and will usually also complete your first treatment session. You can find out more about what happens when you have acupuncture on this link to the NHS website: Acupuncture - NHS ( including a photo of an example treatment. It should always be a comfortable treatment. If you have any questions please get in touch with us.

Massage can be a fantastic remedy, and is an essential part of our 'toolkit' of physiotherapy treatments.

Massage features in the updated NICE (National Institute for Clinical Evidence) guideline for low back pain - as long as it is used alongside exercise: Recommendations | Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s: assessment and management | Guidance | NICE.

For some people it can be helpful to have massage intermittently, and if you notice that you benefit a great deal from it we can provide stand alone massage therapy appointments for existing patients.

We will send you a pre-appointment questionnaire if we have not seen you before. If you wish to book a massage but have any complex underlying conditions then you may need to book the full 'new assessment and treatment' option for your first visit. After your initial assessment and treatment if you wish to come back for follow up massage only then please choose the 'massage therapy' option when booking.