We practice Western Acupuncture, using traditional Chinese methods along with muscle trigger points in order to help with painful musculo-skeletal conditions.
When nerve pathways are stimulated it can help to trigger the natural pain relief systems in our body. The most evidence for acupuncture has been for chronic (persistent) pain, and it is currently recommended by NICE (the National Institute for Clinical Evidence) for persistent pain, migraine and tension-type headaches.
Vicki has provided physiotherapy acupuncture treatments for many years after taking Acupuncture Foundation Training at Southport Hospital, and completes regular evidence based updates to her practice to ensure patients are receiving the most appropriate treatment for their needs.
What to expect
We provide a full assessment on your first visit and will usually also complete your first treatment session.
You can find out more about what happens when you have acupuncture on this link to the NHS website: Acupuncture - NHS ( including a photo of an example treatment.
It should always be a comfortable treatment. If you have any questions please get in touch with us.